Iris of Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh

Iris,the beautiful purple and violet flower,is the favorite subject painted many times by two of the great impression artists-Vincent Vah Gogh and Claude Monet.

 One of the Iris (Iris,1889) by Van Gogh- has been ‘the most expensive flower in the world‘:the painting sold for USD 53 million in 1988.



Van Gogh’s Iris is in vibrant color-the violet petals, the blue leaves and the rich red soils with bright orange marigolds in the background;It’s full of vitality-the flowers waving and twisting with rhythm.

It’s well known this painting was made during his stay in hospital, from his letters and especially this painting, the art critics always sense the grace and pride feelings of Van Gogh, passionate for the beauty of life,Joy out of the great pain, Strength facing the crudity of fate.

A moving story is told: after viewing Van Gogh’s Iris at exhibition,Monet said:“Did a man who loved flowers and light to such an extent, and who rendered them so well, how, then did he still manage to be so unhappy?”

While Iris of Monet is in a sublime scene: under willow trees, thereis a flower bed full of blooming iris,the purple petals are shimmering in the sunshine, almost floating on the top of the clusters.a trek beneath the flowers quietly lead to a house in the depth.

Irises in Monet's Garden

Irises in Monet’s Garden

It’s  Monet’s own Garden,after purchased the Giverny estate,Monet designed  his own garden in which he spent a lot of time planting his favorite flowers, mostly the irises-He enjoyed the time of leisure in his flower garden-remarked by some art critics,’It’s poetic,almost got a feel of Zen looking at his painting’.

It’s difficult for me to decide which one should be better:–They’re in such a perfect pair.So I’ve to put both paintings face to face on the walls of my dining room. Which always catches the eyeballs of every visitor to my home ,but without troubles to me: I’ve to curate every time to the people around table on the stories of the lovely flowers.